Friday, February 8, 2008


Spring is springing my way. Hurray!

In the last few weeks, I have noticed spring is trying to come. Even when the weather was freezing (literally), the bulbs are trying to get out of the ground. And today I noticed little flowers by the rock in the front yard. In my neighbors yard I think I saw the first of a tulip.

On the other side of the front yard more bulbs are coming up. I am so excited. Flowers, warmth, sunshine, warm rain, spring! I know those things are still really a few months out, but there is hope.

And the best flower of the day?

Today my sweetE came shuffling into the living room doing his cute, mischievous, I'm up to something walk. With his hands behind his back. He looked at me with the cutest little grin. And then he whipped out this little red flower for me. He had made it at his work bench and then came in to surprise me with it. And then he scurried right out of the room again.

He knows how to make a mom's heart melt.


laurie said...

those first two photos give me hope! (we're having strong winds and below-zero temps again this weekend.)

and your description of SweetE was terrific. i could just see him.... that is so sweet.

Kim said...

All of the flowers poking their head through are wonderful, but SweetE's flower is the best.

Kim said...

Award for you at my place!

-Ann said...

That is so sweet. I might keel over from the cuteness of it. :)

Potty Mummy said...

Your children have work benches? Oh, for an American sized home...

laurie said...

award for you at my place!!

the rotten correspondent said...

What a sweetie pie!