Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Three Strikes

So we fired the third contractor. I believe that we have officially struck out. This guy, while lacking the creepy factor that so many contractors have was also lacking any ability to think. I had to explain things to him the way I explain things to my kids, who are young. I had to draw pictures. He had no idea what he was doing. His business cards said he had 20+ years experience! I forgot to ask in what.

I know I sound horrible, but this whole thing has been a comedy of errors. And I don't think you should charge $48 an hour and not be able to cut a straight line. That comes right after how to pound in a nail in construction school.

We refuse to buy more treads from our supplier (they laughed after the first restocking, they'll be falling to the floor this time). So I am researching where to buy more treads because this guy managed to ruin every last one.



the rotten correspondent said...

I guess I missed the beginning of this story. What are you redoing?

I'm sending good thoughts your way. I know what a pain in the butt this is.

ped crossing said...

We turned our stairs, put in new floors and trim and painted our living and dining rooms. If you look back in early September there are photos. (Remodel Photos)

ped crossing said...

I'd link, but I haven't figured that out yet.