Tuesday, September 4, 2007

School's In

I am ready for the first day of school. I think. Our classroom is cleaned and organized. The desks have names on them. Our bulletin boards are up. My back to school outfit is picked out, but not pressed. My lessons are planned for this week.

Do students realize that their teachers are nervous too? That we lay awake at night running through never ending to do lists.

I am embarking on a whole new adventure in teaching. Fifth grade is a whole new level. At least in the classroom. I have worked with fifth graders before, but not every day. I better like it. I committed until retirement to my teaching partner. Retirement is long, long, long time from now.

But tomorrow the students show up and then the rollercoaster begins. And you can't get off until June. I hope it is a ride that makes you want to run around and get in line again immediately.


laurie said...

i am sure they never think that their teachers are nervous.

i have such happy memories of elementary school. my fifth-grade teacher was a guy. first male teacher we'd had. that set us all a-twitter.

in sixth grade they redrew the boundaries and i was sent to a different school, which was very hard. it was an experimental school--all self-motivated learning, you'd tell the teachers when you were ready to take a test, the classrooms had no walls, etc.

i'd just slip between the bookcases into the library and sit and read library books all day. i loved it but didn't learn a thing and was terribly ill-prepared for junior high, especially when it came to math and science.

so watch out for the quiet good kids! they might need more attention than you think.

and good luck.

you sound very well prepared.

ped crossing said...

This week, yes. Next week, no. Monday is right around the corner and the plan book is blank. Yikes! I am enjoying my students.