Friday, September 21, 2007

But wait, there's more.

I love the things that children say. When my sweetP was three, I was loading up my bag with books for work. They were kid's chapter books and he looked up at me so innocently and said, "But mommy, there's no pictures (pronounced pit-chures)." As in how interesting could those be.

And this morning, first thing, sweetP said the funniest thing. "Mommy, an alien came in our room last night. A little tiny one. And it flew into my ear. My ear hurts really bad, on the inside." The hurting part is not funny, but the preceding build up cracks me up. How do they think of these things? Like any good mom, I gave him some Tylenol and off we went to school. He was fine when I went to school to work in his classroom and he was fine all afternoon.

Then tonight, he came in from playing outside and suddenly he was suffering - terribly. So I gave him more Tylenol. I made a warm pack for his ear. Then a half hour later I gave him Benedryl (we are out of decongestant). An hour later I was off to the store for drops. Poor kid. I put the drops in and rubbed his head as a tear rolled down his nose. So we have him sleeping propped up. I have the warm pack ready to reheat as needed. I can only hope he feels better tomorrow.

There is good news about my degree of frazzledness...I know what I am teaching for most of Monday and it is only Friday. Hurrah! In a few more weeks, I might have my lesson plans for the next week done on Thursday (my Friday) before I come home.

I also got my car fixed today, so I can stop tricking it into going into gear. Darn recalls. The most frustrating part is that I paid to have this part replaced two years ago and now they go and recall it because it is faulty. They had no sympathy and no refunds. Arghh. My sweetE was the dream child at the dealership. It took an hour plus the 20 minutes to get checked in. No complaints, no bad behaviour, just wonderful little boy. Lucky me.

1 comment:

laurie said...

i love the idea of having to trick your car.

poor little boy. i hope his ear gets better.

see you in a week!