Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Good Little Consumer

Tonight I realized that I am raising a good little consumer. One of his homework assignments is to go around and identify things he can read. AKA brands. So we went through the food ads and I realized all the junkish food that I feed him. Of course carrots don't have labels, so it is hard for him to read them. Or eat them, apparently.

I am happy to report he also can read a stop sign. Something so many adults that drive don't seem to be able to do in my neighborhood. Not that there isn't ample opportunities to practice. Not judging, just observing. And yes, I do actually come to a complete stop at stop signs. I took some kind of oath as a driver's ed instructor to abide by all laws, got in the habit and now it has stuck. Except for occasional minor speeding.

His class will also know that we shop at Safeway, I was surprised he knew that one. He would have added Target, but I didn't have an ad. Who needs an ad when you are there at least once a week, more in the summer. I should own stock.

A good night's sleep has done wonders for my attitude and my sense of humor. And no the stairs didn't get done, but that wound is still too fresh. We'll talk about that tomorrow.


1 comment:

the rotten correspondent said...

Mine came home with a school assignment to write down everything they ate for three days to see if they were eating a nutritious diet.Did they tell me at the beginning so I could stock up on carrots? No. They told me as they were writing it up to turn in. I wanted to crawl in a hole.