We have one healthy body in the house, unless you count Velcro that would make two. Only three to go. My sweetE went in for a follow up check today and he was pronounced healthy. Yippee! No sign of ear infections, sounds good, looks good and he was so darn cute. He was flirting with all the assistants and putting on quite the show. For the first time ever, I didn't have to hold him on the scale while not actually touching him so he could get weighed. He popped right up there and stood still and grinned the whole time.
The other three of us seem to be on the mend, even if we aren't quite there yet. Once we get healthy, we might decide to reside in a bubble for the rest of cold and flu season.
After yesterdays coffee adventure I opted for hot chocolate today. Sadly, I was attempting to get so much done that I only drank half before it got cold and not so yummy.
You must be a closet Mormon after all. :)
um....you neglected to finish chocolate? man, you're sicker than i thought!
seriously, glad people are on the mend. i find that green tea with jasmine is something i crave when i'm sick. piping hot.
Good job - you're all on the right track. Sickies be gone!
We're going to have to work on your drinking problem, however.
I must agree that I do have a drinking problem. I'm a sipper and that means I never finish my drinks. Or I finish them cold, which works better for some.
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