I'm walking on the edge of a cliff and juggling at the same time. And people keep throwing more balls my way. I am just waiting for them to rain down and shatter around my feet and knock me off the cliff.
I keep finding things I need to do, but not the time to do them. My evenings have been taken over by first grade homework. We spent two and a half hours doing homework this week. When you add that to soccer practice and swimming lessons, there is no time for anything else. So sweetP and I are bonding over homework.
After the boys go to bed, I do my own homework. Somehow, those lessons don't get planned and the work doesn't get graded without me. I have a stack of papers four inches thick to grade, and no plans for next week.
Meanwhile, the floor needs to get mopped, carpets vacuumed, Mt. Laundry conquered, dishes done, groceries bought, the pit of despair organized (my craft room, there is no crafting going on there at the moment), the garage cleaned (the rainy season has started early and I want to park in there), the out grown clothes dealt with, the toys organized so every box doesn't get dumped because we are looking for something, finding a new mattress so I can sleep at night (thoughts on the Tempur-Pedic?), get the entire family well (it is not looking promising, sweetP woke up with a headache, sore throat and fever last night) and goodness knows what else that hasn't occurred to me yet.
Okay, I feel better now, not less overwhelmed, but better for having vented. There are positives in my life, so now I shall dwell on those.
Wednesday night, I flew in two minutes before sweetP needed to leave for soccer practice, so I got to stay home with sweetE. "Mommy, play knights with me." "Hang on sweetie, let mommy take some medicine, her head hurts." Five minutes later, "Mommy, play knights with me." "Please let mommy rest for a few minutes so she can feel better." He proceeded to play very quietly for 20 minutes while I laid on the couch and recovered from the rapidly worsening headache I got shortly before I left work. After my little rest, I felt so much better and was so grateful for my patient little boy that let me have the time I needed.
I know I will climb out of the hole I seem to be, just let it be soon!
you will climb. you will get out. and then you'll go back in again. and climb out again...that's life.
i can't imagine doing that much homework in first grade. that's too much!
but it's the weekend. maybe you can get a few of those other nasty chores out of the way.
good luck. i wish health on your household!
That doesn't sound like venting to me, it just sounds like a re-cap. I think most of us are in the same routine/boat. I am glad you can bond over homework, I got (still can get) totally overwhelmed by the homework. My kids are pretty self-sufficient by now, but the fact that they are snowed under makes me feel stressed. I deal with it by making them brownies and other goodies to eat while they are slaving away. For better or for worse, they have better eating habits than I do, and my husband and I often end up eating a lot of the goodies...Maybe not such a good thing...Hang in there, it does get easier as they get older in many ways.
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