I never thought I would utter that phrase. But walking home from taking sweetP to school this morning my face hurt it was so cold. I'm sure I am more sensitive because of the potential frostbite I talked about here. And I realized, that when it rains it is warmer. I really like warmer.
I would really be in trouble if I lived in the Midwest. I would then drive sweetP the three blocks to school. Which I don't believe in, but my aversion to cold supersedes my green, environmental, frugal side. If I had my way I would hibernate over the winter. Or at least become a hermit.
The photo is me a few weeks ago after making the same trip home. Everything below the rain coat was wet. Soaked, really.
SweetE has it made. He gets to stay in his jammies. I put on his coat, hat, mittens and slippers. Then he get wrapped in a blanket in the stroller. The water proof cover goes over the top to keep out rain, wind and cold. He is snug as can be in there. Most of the time I wish I could trade places with him.
The rest of the time I can pretty well deal with it. But cold mornings are torture. It is 25 degrees out right now, so I know I will be experiencing another dose of BRRRRR in the morning.
it is 9 below zero right now. it's supposed to get to 32 this weekend, and then we might have some rain.
i love the rain, but i sure don't want it in january. because in january in minnesota, there's only one thing that can lead to : ICE.
In comparison to 9 below zero, it's a downright balmy, sunny 24 degrees today. When I woke, it was 16 degrees. Bone chilling. I lit the fireplace at 6:30am. Brrr. I hate the cold, too.
It's 3 degrees here. I have been having some Hawaii urges this morning....
It is right around 22 where I live and I think it is TOO cold. I can handle anything above freezing, but 22 is cold to me.
I hope spring is on the way.....
It needs to be Spring -
It wouldn't be fair for me to comment on weather.
Hi eclecticblog and beckie! Welcome.
laurie - I really don't like ice storms. But we normally stay around 40 in the winter. A nice temperate climate. Lots of green year round. It is usually wonderful. If it is below 30, I want some snow to go with it.
RC - I needed to be spring yesterday!
How do you all do it?
two cents - I take sympathy. Just don't tell me how warm it is. Otherwise you might get visitors escaping the cold.
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