Monday, January 28, 2008

Am I Going to Have to Pay for Law School?

Tonight at dinner, I may have glimpsed the future. A few nights ago we watched the movie Underdog. Cute movie, too many references to butts and poo. Now it has become a topic of conversation, especially with sweetE.

We are sitting down to eat. SweetE, who is three, starts talking about dogs eating their own poo. Not exactly the kind of dinner conversation that I fancy.

Me: sweetE, we don't talk about that at the table.

Gets quiet. He gets down from his chair and walks over to the wall three steps away.

sweetE: I'm not at the table now.

And proceeds to continues to talk about dogs eating poo.

Me: We don't talk about that when other people are eating.

Topic ceases. He couldn't come up with a loophole for that one.

But at three, he realized that all he had to do was move. And he would be doing what I asked and what he wanted at the same time! At three!!

Must learn to be very specific. This is not the first example of his ability to find loopholes. He has the makings of an attorney. At three.


Potty Mummy said...

Oh, you have SO much fun ahead...

Potty Mummy said...

Oh, you have SO much fun ahead...

laurie said...

heh heh heh. it's scary when your kid outsmarts you, isn't it?

he didn't, quite, but you'll have to be on your toes now, forever.

Kim said...

I have one of those in my house. It only gets better. You delight in it most of the time until they are about 12, then it becomes very irritating. In addition to being quick and clever, they believe they are right about everything (like every adolescent).

Hang on. You're in for quite a ride.

the rotten correspondent said...

Uh oh.That's not good. I have one of those too. And it's a constant challenge.


Susan said...

Try to look at him as a good problem solver rather than a lawyer. Perhaps he could be a mediator, engineer, or something else that uses good problem solving skills. All is not lost.

ped crossing said...

two cents - No all is not lost, and there are still plenty of options for him. But he is going to keep me on my toes.

Better to learn it early I suppose. I have plenty of time to plan.

kaycie - The teen years should be fun, because I am always right too. And I have the boys on tape saying so.

Oh well, parenting is an adventure one way or another.

Anonymous said...

You've got a very, clever smart one!