For those of you who DID post your view, link back to that post you posted a year ago, and then re-list your very first post ever. We want to see how far you've come baby! Also, if you can, post the comments you received on that post.
So I had to wait until it was daylight to capture my neighbors yard.

Our neighbor has a beautiful yard. She is out there in all kinds of weather working on it. She has some kind of plant addiction. The upside of that, she gives up the plants that she has pulled from her yard. Our landscaping costs have been close to zero. And our yard gets more beautiful.
Most of the time.

Our front lawn has been invaded. By biodegradable packing peanuts. Ducky dumped them on the lawn, at my suggestion. It was raining at the time. I didn't realize he would do it in the very front yard, I assumed the side yard. I thought it would continue to rain and melt them away. But it has been dry from that moment on. It makes people look at our yard funny. Its bound to rain sooner or later and then our lawn will look normal again.
My first post was short. And no one knew about my blog, so it had no comments. But it got this whole crazy thing started.
Time to document my life...
So here I am, up too late as usual, and deciding it is time to begin to document my life. Already obsessing about punctuation and stumped for what to say. There is something about journaling that causes instant writers block. As soon as a professor would say they wanted a reflection paper, I would cringe and begin to panic. Not to say that I can't or don't obsess and reflect with the best of them, just not on paper.
So time to turn over a new leaf and try to document the mundane, the zany, the adventures and misadventures of my life.
So a fun holiday Monday to you!
Happy Fun Monday to you. I love your zany first post. I can obsess with the best of them too, but putting it on paper or for the world to see just gives me another object of obsession.
I thought that your biodegradable peanuts were mushrooms. Now, you have a wonderful science experiment in your yard.
Actually, the packing peanuts look a little like tiny white flowers growing in a fairy ring... howz that for imagination?
Thank goodness for obsessive neighbors--you can just enjoy their gardening efforts and reap any windfalls.
Re decision to blog--aren't you glad you took the plunge? That little pressure to string some sentences together that someone may want to read is worth the effort--meet so many great people adcoss the U.S. and beyond.
I'd rather have your neighbor. Great first post!!!
Terrific post today and great first post, also.
I love the fairy ring of peanuts.
The biodegradable packing on the front yard is hilarious. That is so something that I would try and then we would have a six month drought.
Have a great Monday!
at first I thought it was fairy ring mushrooms in your picture.
Are those the bio degradable ones made out of rice?
nice to meet you and see your neighborhood.
I think the packing peanuts add a little zip to your yard. Way more fun than plain jane flowers.
I thought the packing peanuts were cute little white flowers too! I wonder if you buried them in dirt if they would break down faster.
One of my neighbors gives us tons of hand-me-down plants too. It is great most of the time, except when she gave us a really noxious one.
Happy Fun Monday, ped! I think your neighborhood looks great and what wouldn't I give for your neighbor.
And I agree that your packing peanuts look like little white flowers.
I thought the packing peanuts were flowers at first. :)
Trust me the packing peanuts look much better in the photo. In person they don't resemble flowers or fungus at all.
I thought the peanuts were just a light dusting of snow. I rather like the idea of a fairy circle of flowers though!
Enjoy the sunshine!
is it really that green there? now? in january?
dagnabit. i live in the wrong place.
it's snowing here. fender-benders galore.
i love the packing peanuts. i assume they look slightly less charming in real life, but in the photo they are cute.
Happy fun Monday. It was fun for me to visit here. There's always at least one neighbor that really goes all out on their yard. My imagination is coming up with all sorts of stories about the ring of peanuts on your front lawn :)
laurie - yes, it is that green. All winter long. Snow is a rarity around here. And after seeing the weather there, I have to admit, you do live in the wrong place. :)
How original with the packing peanuts!!
I'm jumping ship & moving to Wordpress. Just FYI
Jealous of the green. And the packing peanuts. Okay, just the green, really. :)
Wish I had a neighbour like yours we spend a fortune on plants!
Ha my first thoughts were the same as Pamela's as I though you had fungi growing!
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