Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Book Club Tonight

Tonight was organizing night. We planned the year. We all have a month.

And all of those fabulous recommendations helped tremendously. So many, many thanks for those.

For my month we/I chose Population 485, Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time by Michael Perry. We thought it sounded like a hoot. And we were trying to get variety.

Although, now my list of books to read has grown substantially. So now I must find the time to read, read, read. And still keep up on my blogs. And parent. And teach. And be a spouse. Hmmmm. I need more hours.

The other book, that happened to be on someone else's list, was Suite Francaise by Irene Somebody Whose Name I Cannot Remember, Pronounce or Spell.


Potty Mummy said...

It was on my list - and I hope you enjoy it! Make sure to read the notes at the back of the book though - it puts the whole thing in context.

laurie said...

doug read suite francais, which he loved. it's on my list. you know, on my bedside table. somewhere.

the rotten correspondent said...

Now you've given me some more ideas, too. The book club sounds like a lot of fun.

Kim said...

Great choices. I look forward to hearing what you think of them.

Suzie Petunia said...

Irene Nemirovsky

Suzie Petunia said...

And that sure was a fun night!

LCM said...

I have requested a copy from our library. I can be there in spirit if not in person. I am going to have to try Suite Francaise again, but I tried to read it when it first came out and I couldn't get into it.