Monday, May 12, 2008

Zombie Virus

Last night I got eight hours of sleep. Uninterrupted sleep. Today I should have been my bouncy, bubbly self.

Instead, I was attacked by the zombie virus. I could not stay awake today. For anything. And I had to work all day. I must have looked about half dead too, because I was asked repeatedly if I was okay.

I was honked at on the way to work. I went over the rumble strip more than once. I was in no condition to drive. And I didn't realize until after I was more than half way to work. I could not keep my eyes open at work either. My students were pretty accommodating, they did what was asked and just let me stagger through my day. I took a nap at lunch at my desk.

After lunch was better, but I was still so very tired. I was better to drive home. I planned to take a nap on the couch and let the boys play games. SweetP got a webkinz for his birthday and he wants to play all the time. SweetE was happy to play Star Wars on the Wii. And I attempted to nap on the couch.

But the phone rang, the doorbell rang, the game wouldn't work. So no nap for me. Ducky had it yesterday, so I should be better tomorrow. But to help myself along, I am off to bed. Let the zombie's attack someone else.

I am feeling almost like myself again today. I can keep my eyes open!!! One of our friends had it over the weekend too. You feel okay, you just cannot stay awake.


Kim said...

Aren't those webkinz something? My little guy has several, and they really keep him entertained. During his computer time, I can hear him laughing out loud.

I hope you're feeling better today.

the rotten correspondent said...

Good grief. Are you better today?

Carolyn said...

Wow. That is SOOOOOOO weird. I felt like that for two days last week. I thought I had mono. I just could not keep my eyes open.

I thought it was me. It didn't occur to me that it could actually be something.

Weird. Hope you're feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

That's weird..