Beware, novel ahead. And I started this post yesterday and then life got in the way.
It was Sunday night and already it felt like spring break was over. The week was filled up before it even started.
It all started with a round of vomit on Monday and that wasn't even on the schedule. My dear sweetE had refused 95% of his dinner the night before. And I didn't realize how little he had eaten for lunch. My children + no food = vomit in the morning. I did get sweetP's book done on Monday though. It only took since August. But it is done, yeah!!!
Tuesday afternoon I broke my sacred rule. I went in to work over a break, not just a weekend, but during break. And I just didn't want to be there. But I had nothing planned for after break and I am starting two new units that I have never taught before. So for my long term sanity I went in. Plus sweetE started getting the cold that Ducky had the weekend before. I stayed up late and got sweetE's book done. It was also started in August and is now done. Double yeah!!
Wednesday we laid low in the hopes that sweetE would feel lots better. He felt better, but lots would be an exaggeration.
Thursday I had to drive to another city to renew my teaching license. It expires on my birthday. I got my paperwork in January and promptly put it in the to be completed pile. The pile that got neglected until a few weeks ago. Then when I finally sat down to get it done, my principal was out of town for a week and it required her signature. Insert cussing here. But it got done. However, I don't have the greatest of faith in my local post office. Things have not arrived when sent from the post office itself. So I drive it down there. No license, no work, end of story. So the boys and I had a grand adventure. They watched Princess Bride and asked if we were still in America about every 20 minutes. And sweetE pointed out every "America flag" that he saw. It was delivered, it was complete, and we arrived home safe and sound via Burger King.
Thursday part two. We had planned a date for Thursday night. We got our "daughter" to come and spend the evening with the boys. We originally planned to have an overnight downtown. But as luck would have it, Ducky has been slammed at work with clients that panic at the mere mention of holiday or break or day off and suddenly that project that has been languishing on their desk must be complete today, five minutes ago. So we decided to just go out for the evening. And wouldn't you know that the moment we left our all time favorite restaurant after a most fabulous meal, I get that tickle. You know the one that says you are getting sick. You have been burning the candle on both ends. You are not going to enjoy the next few days. And it meant business. Before we got home (at 9:30, sign me up for the assisted living apartment) it was a full blown sore throat.
Thursday part three. But we did go shopping for my birthday present. And I picked out a cute chair with a girlie pink slip cover at IKEA (I don't do pink and I don't do girlie, but it spoke to me. It must be the overload of testosterone in my house.). Yup, the big date was at IKEA. I love them. I love them more without children in tow. To top off the date, we hit the grocery store. One of those chores that just didn't manage to get done all week.
So my days off are officially over. Since I don't work on Friday's, I am now back to just a weekend. Friday dawns and my lovely neighbor has planned a movie day at her house. I get a whole hour to myself. Both boys are next door and I am installing my new chair in my room. I carried it up the stairs myself, even in my weakened condition. (I'm too independent for my own good, impatient too.) And got it put together. SweetE wasn't too much into watching movies and he came home after an hour. He helped me with the cardboard. It "needed" to be shredded and made into a sleeping bag. I have the amazing ability to cut myself with very sharp scissors. I never learn. So I cut my finger right where it meets the hand on the palm side. Right where a bandaid is almost impossible to apply. But I manage and then I am sporting what looks like a giant Backyardigans (bandaid one) or Hot Wheels (bandaid two) on my middle finger. I finally picked up some liquid bandaid and look normal again.
Which brings me to today. We had a double header of soccer today for sweetE. I had a "At home" party to go to. We had a birthday party tonight. In between, we go to get kibble for Velcro, a new snail to replace Shelton, may he rest in peace, Target for liquid bandaid, and the florist for a planter. And I still have grading to do. And a mammal unit to plan.
I told you it was a blur even if this post wasn't.