Monday, December 10, 2007


I seem to have run out of things to talk about. At least for the moment. No good stories are coming to mind. Nothing noteworthy happened today. So I keep a sticky on my computer for just such an occasion. A while back there was one of those random question posts that someone (I have no idea who) did that I liked the questions to. So tonight I give random facts while I think of something to say tomorrow.

Been out of the country? Yes, but just barely into Canada. They are very friendly up there.

Been in love? Yes, to my Ducky for over 17 years. I am so lucky! He is a lucky Ducky too.

Gone skydiving? No, and no plans to. I love to fly contained in the plane.

Climbed a mountain? No, I might climb a small one someday. I used to climb a butte almost every day. I was in great shape back then.

Got fired? Does it count if I had already quit an hour and half before and had given my two weeks a week before? I don't think so. So, no.

Been promoted? Not really. Been given increased responsibility, but no new title.

Rode a horse? Much, much more than I ever wanted to.

Stay awake for over 48 hours? College, darn computer programs. So yes, and boy was a tired. Remember my love affair with sleep.

Graduated? Yes, yes and yes again. One diploma and two degrees.

Been on honor roll? Yes, yes. And yes, I was one of those obnoxious smart kids.

Caught a firefly? No, I don't believe I have ever even seen one.

Eaten a bug? Yes, while on the stinkin' horse. And a spider while I was sleeping. That sucked.

Been in a car wreck? Yes, totaled the car but not me. Although it did get me out of PE for the rest of the year. "I was doing physical therapy at the pool." wink.

Been in a fight? Once in elementary school, I think. My memory is a bit hazy on that one.

Helped a friend? Who hasn't. Anytime.

Swam in the ocean? Waded, yes. Swim, no. I don't much care for swimming anywhere. Love the ocean though.

Swam with a dolphin? See above and see what you think. (No)

Been arrested? No, and I have only been pulled over once. And I got the ticket. I cried and I still got the ticket.

Told a white lie? Yes, who hasn't.

Broken a bone? Not a bone, but I did crack my sternum. That wasn't fun. It makes breathing a challenge and breathing is kind of important.

Played sports? Only in a recreational sense. Never on a team. That was not the focus in our house.

Been divorced? No, and there are no plans either. We have a strict no divorce clause in the marriage. We also have a "you are not allowed to die" clause. So far, so good.

Sang in the shower? Used to all the time. I require a radio and we no longer have that in the bathroom.

Loved your life? Most days yes. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

There you have my random facts of the day. Should you get a case of blank brain, feel free to borrow.


laurie said...

the best answer? yes, you love your life.

i chuckled at the horseback riding one. "yes, much more than i ever wanted to." not many people would have that answer, i think.

Anonymous said...

You'd like to climb to the top of a small mountain? I understand that having a finish line to cross is good in as many ways as you care to come up with. So for many ways that need not be detailed here, I'll do it with you. Interested?

Also, I think you need a radio in the bathroom again.


Susan said...

It makes me sad you've never seen a firefly. I think everyone should get to experience fireflies. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of catching fireflies.

the rotten correspondent said...

I almost ate a spider once myself. Woke up to it crawling in my mouth. I'm right there with you on not wanting to repeat that experience.

Great answers. My husband has a funny line for skydiving. He wonders why anybody would want to jump out of a perfectly good plane.

ped crossing said...

Laurie- I don't necessarily love all the parts of my life. But it has made me who I am, so overall it works.

Jen- Not this year, but in the next few years. And not the kind with glaciers and stuff. I have one in mind. We'll talk. :)

two cents - I'm sure one of these days I'll see one. I won't try to eat it though. I have learned on Curious George that they taste bad.

RC - That spider bit me on the way down. Ouch and yuck! And FG is a wise man. I have used that exact phrase.

Kerith Collins said...

i so love random much in fact that I bought a bathroom book of nothing but useless facts...useless unless you are a blogger of course.