Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fun Monday

Here I am at my second fun Monday. I would have participated last week, but all the ornaments were still packed up.

This week's Fun Monday is being hosted by kitten. And the assignment is: I think it would be neat to hear about the story behind your home and the road you live on. It doesn't have to be historical, maybe just something that stands out to you. It would be nice to have pictures to go with your little story. I also would like to know who has the oldest house. Whoever has the oldest house will get a little Christmas treat from little ole me.

I live in a suburb of suburbia. When we were house hunting, we were looking here and in the larger suburb where I work. I do not believe in a long commute. In a perfect world, we would have bought an older house. But instead we found one that met most of the criteria in a newer subdivision and we moved from the city to the burbs.

Our house has no interesting story behind it. That was our last house. And a story I will tell another day. But it had the space and yard and was in a great location. It scored 74 out of 100 on the walk score.

The first thing we did when we moved in was have the toddler death trap closed up. There was a bonus room upstairs with a view of the downstairs and a nice wide sill on it. Perfect for an adventurous 2 year old to balance on and fall to their death. So we closed it in and made it a bedroom. I saw potential in our little cookie cutter. Even though it had a big sign that said welcome back to the 90's plastered on every surface. And the projects began.

Which leads us to now. And the remodel projects. And the stairs that are waiting patiently in the garage for our stereotypical contractor to show up and put them in. And the new projects that are bubbling at the surface, barely being suppressed until we get some of the others completed.

What we didn't realize is that we were moving in next door to the Clampett's. At least that is how I refer to them. Every year they plant a new evergreen in their yard. To replace the one they cut down to use as their Christmas tree. And they leave about a foot of stump sticking up out of the ground. And they take those big rubber mats that are for children's play rooms and cover a large part of their backyard with them for the summer. Last year they moved the basketball hoop out onto the patio and installed an above ground pool. And at the end of the summer, just let all the water out into the back yard. And created a swamp in their yard and ours. We built a berm this year. We planted three curly willows along the back fence so the view will be improving greatly in the next few years.


laurie said...

oh, god, neighbors....that could easily be a post all by itself. my little sister lives in a very nice suburb. she has a huge yard that abuts a golf course. green as far as the eye can see....except the next=door neighbors, who have put in a basketball court right nextt to my sister's property line.

by doing all those projects, you are giving your house character and personality and making it yours. that's what it's all about, whether the house is 10 years old or 100 years old.

(if it's 10 years old, you just have better plumbing and electric!)

Kim said...

I have never understood upstairs rooms that overlook downstairs rooms. I might fall to my death, not even mentioning toddlers, little kids, and wild teenage boys!

the rotten correspondent said...

I think a house is what you make it and age isn't the only indicator of character. If your house reflects who you are and what you love what more do you need?

So sorry about the Clampetts. Rotten neighbors are the pits.

kitten said...

We all have our "WONDERFUL" nieghbors. LOL! Great post!

Kerith Collins said...

oh how funny...we have never had luck with our neighbors either...we used to have the stalker neighbors...ya know...the ones that always meet you outside even if it is sleeting and 40 below just to talk about how their cat crapped on thier carpet...god how I don't miss them.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a nice house, and it seems renos never get completed. What I mean is there is always something that needs to be done. The neighbour things is a whole post on it's own. A good idea for someone to host fun Monday with. Next your neighbours will get a ceeee-ment pond, and a couple of chickens. Good thing for trees.

Pamela said...

I hope you forgive me for laughing. What was that movie about horrid neighbors The Burbs???

ChrisB said...

I had to laugh at your description of the neighbours. I used to love that TV series.

Unless you build it yourself I think there is always something major needed to stamp your own identity on any house you buy!

kitten said...

I have our winner post up.

Tiggerlane said...

Wow! What horrible neighbors - and the flooding of the yard would have sent me over the EDGE!!

Sounds like you need to get them an artificial tree for the holidays! HAHA!

I applaud you for having patience with projects - I have NONE.

Peter said...

Late commenting--- so many great posts to read, thanks for yours.