Friday, November 2, 2007

My Big Boy

I am tucking the boys into bed tonight. Last week sweetE graduated from Pullups at night and is fully potty trained! Fully potty trained! No more diapers! I'm done. Hurrah!

As I am tucking him in, he asks for a sippy cup of water. Being rather unfond of extra laundry due to night time accidents, I say that he is a big boy now and that means no more sippy cups of water at night. His response, "I don't want to be a big boy, I am a little boy who gets water." We may have an attorney in the family some day.

My sweetE has not had a single accident at night so far. Poor sweetP has had three in just over a week. No wonder I can never get caught up on laundry. So, since sweetE has obviously inherited my steel bladder, I tell him he can have a little cup of water. SweetP pipes up that he wants some too. Yikes, "No." In my best honey that is not a good idea routine, I turn him down. He seems okay with it.

Please don't make me pay for this decision at 3 a.m.

My boys are growing up. But really, they are still little. I won't tell them that. I wish I could stop time for just a little while and relish their cute little selves a little longer.

1 comment:

laurie said...

yes, i can see where you would miss this sweetness very much in a few years.

but you won't miss the diapers.