Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The First Night

We stop 15 minutes later in the next town for dinner. SweetE has already drifted off to sleep. I drag him gently out of the car and he is out cold. He wakes up for about 30 seconds when I sit down and then lays his head on the table. So I artfully arrange him on the booth seat with his head on my leg. He never moves. SweetP inhales his dinner and then we head off to enjoy the remnants of rush hour traffic.

At 6:40 we are on the road again. We were supposed to be happily entrenched in the beach house watching a movie at this exact moment. It is starting to rain. But off we go. We are headed to the beach, life is great. The entire family loves the beach. A half an hour later, sweetP drifts off too. These boys had a busy day today. So we drive and chat and drive. And it seems to take forever in the dark. You cannot see the landmarks that make it seem like you are making progress. We keep track of progress by miles to go and what time it is.

We drive and drive and at almost 9 pm on the nose we pull in to the carport. The engine turns off and two sleepy boys ask, "Are we there?" We climb out, head in and settle in. Two boys are ready for round two. Two parents are ready for bed. So we watch a movie. The boys cuddled in and talked their way through the movie. They had already seen it, I hadn't. Our boys set a new record, they stayed up past midnight. We finally got them settled in and asleep. We went to bed with rain outside and happy hearts.

And you know what happens when boys are excited about something. They get up early.


laurie said...

...and you, you were exhausted, i'll bet.

still, even getting there 4 hours late in the dark and rain sounds not so bad. you're in a beach house! you're not at work!

Susan said...

Do you find that once you are at the beach, it doesn't matter what it took to get there, just being there washes it all away? I find that.