Sunday, September 6, 2009

Out Walking

I recently finished reading the book "The Migraine Brain." And while there wasn't a ton in there I didn't already know, the idea that was pounded into my brain was that I needed to be more dedicated to exercise. So before the weather turns cold and unpleasant I am trying to form a habit. The habit that gets my buns out the door and moving.

I have created a 2.1 mile route that winds around the neighborhood. I am lengthening it for weekends. So far, so good. Yesterday I even went in the rain. No small feat for someone who is a fair weather girl. But I went, it is time to kick the migraines to the curb. I also figured out my main stressor, hence main trigger and I am working on that too. I am headed to week four on my new preventative meds.

I swear if something doesn't work soon, I will lose my mind.


Kim said...

I hope the exercise and knowing your triggers along with the meds helps you get control of this soon.

Wander to the Wayside said...

I used to get migraines in my 20s that knocked me on my ass, putting me in a dark room with a bowl to throw up in. They eventually disappeared, but left me with what they're calling a 'seizure disorder without convulsions' that they at first thought was 'migraine sans migraine' ... basically the Alice in Wonderland syndrone without the headache. I've been taking neurontin(gabapentin) and clonazapam(klonapin) for ten years, and it's 90% under control. Hope you find something as well!