Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Rocked My Race

I ran my 5k race today. The weather report called for 80-90% chance of rain today. But the weather gods chose to smile on me with 60 degrees and sun. Perfect.

My goal was to run half and walk half. Goals are good, it is even better when you blast past them. I settled into a nice steady pace and decided to see how long I could last. And I kept going, and going. And I felt great. Could I maybe run the whole thing??? This is before I even hit the one mile mark. But I kept going and still felt great.

I passed the one mile mark and then the two mile mark and I was still running. I passed a few people, I checked my watch. I was poised to make a new personal best. I walked twice for about 30 seconds each time, but otherwise I ran the whole thing. The whole thing!!!

I ended up finishing in 32 minutes and 36 seconds, or a 10.5 minute mile. When I started out walking I was at 15.5 minute miles. What a difference two months makes. I was smack in the middle of the finishers, 41st out of 82. I was in the top half! Not bad for my first time. I better watch it, I might get hooked.


Kelly(M&M) said...

I have been waiting to hear how this went! I am so so happy for you!! You should feel so great about your race! Congrats, and if you ever want someone to run with, I would love to. I hope you do get hooked. :-) It's a good addiction, ha ha!

Kim said...

Congratulations! Good for you.

K kid said...

Dangit! Does another one of my friends have to become a runner?

K kid said...

I mean, congratulations! I will go ponder my own out-of-shape-ness on my own time. =]

laurie said...

that is SO great.