Monday, October 26, 2009

From Caught Up to Overwhelmed

Just over a week ago I was caught up on grading, planning and all things work. I was coming home every night with no bag of stuff that I should work on. Although, to be honest, the bag rarely gets touched once I get home.

And then two weeks with added responsibilities and I am suddenly, and completely, overwhelmed. My pile of work that needs attention is growing by the day. The bag I shlep home every night is growing heavier and becoming a work out by itself. I am flying by the seat of my pants. And the end of the quarter is a mere three weeks away.

And to add to the problem, my motivation right now is non-existent. I don't want to do much of anything. So getting caught up again any time soon, probably not going to happen.

But hey, my students still like me. And I survived conferences. It'll all be okay again sometime fairly soon.

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