Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Speed of Light

It has reached that point in the year, that it seems like no matter what I do I won't be able to keep up. Life is traveling at the speed of light. The end of the school year always illuminates the extraordinary number of loose ends that have gotten lost in the shuffle through out the year. And now they need to be dealt with.

My Ducky recently wondered why I am so crazed at the beginning and the end of the year. The beginning of the year makes me nuts because I am trying to delay the onset of said loose ends for as long as possible. The end of the year has all of my own loose ends, plus any other peoples loose ends that require something of me. It is other peoples loose ends that eventually do me in. I can plan for my own chaos, but then the unexpected comes up and messes with the delicate balance I think I have created.

So here I am with ever so many balls in the air, with more being tossed my way. So that deafening thud you hear is just some of those balls crashing to the ground. So now I can only hope I make it to the end of the year without any major catastrophe. I don't think it is a coincidence that I could only juggle scarves in Jr. High PE.

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