Monday, June 30, 2008

Melt My Heart

Tonight I finished pressure washing the driveway and sidewalk. Yeah! One more summer project complete.

It was past the boys bedtime when I came in. Ducky was reading them a book. I came in and sat down next to sweetP and kissed him on the head. He did this funny hand motion and said something.

Me: What?

sweetP: I am breaking it up and sprinkling it all over me.

Me: Breaking what up?

sweetP: The kiss, I broke it up so it I could spread it all over me.

Ahhh. That boy loves his mommy. He gives me the warm fuzzies.


Potty Mummy said...

That is soooooo cute.

laurie said...

dang. you must bottle that child.

he's precious.

Kelly(M&M) said...

Hi Amy!

I finally set up some of my fave blogs on Google Reader, so I will catch up more often, I promise! This was such a sweet post. Your boys sound adorable. I hope to meet them sometime!