Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome Winter

Today is the first official day of winter. We all know it started a while ago. In our little corner of the world it started last Sunday. I enjoyed my week off. Normally when we get snow it lasts for a day or two tops and only happens once, maybe twice each winter. Mother Nature is really outdoing herself this year.

Last week, we got a couple of inches and it would melt and freeze. Saturday, it started to snow early in the morning. And continued all day. It was quiet and peaceful watching the flakes drift down in varying densities over the course of the day. Ducky took the boys to the park to go sledding and I started a fire in the fireplace and settled in with a book. My idea of the perfect winter day. Periodically, I would head out with a ruler and measure the snow fall.

At dinner I took a picture of the pots on the deck. I hope they make it through without breaking and the plants survive too. The snow was soft and fluffy and slightly crunchy.

Three hours later, it was still snowing enough to completely hide one of the pots. I kept the curtains open to enjoy the winter beauty outside. The neighbors all had their Christmas lights on. It was magical to see. I sat and looked out the upstairs window and the glittering world around me. Before I went to bed, I went out for a last measurement, 8.5 inches. There was a light crust on the top and a slight sheen to the landscape.

This morning, I went out for a final measurement. There was 8 inches, the top .25 inch was solid ice. The trees were all glowy white with ice. Velcro was walking on top of it all, until he jumped off the deck and broke the ice layer. Poor guy, with his short legs he was high-centered. So I threw on my snow boots and coat over my pajamas and went out to break him a trail. I nearly took a nose-dive in the process. The rest of the day has been spent by another fire, working Sudoku, stitching projects, reading and enjoying the warm glow of the fire.


laurie said...

wow! do you normally get that much snow?

the pots should be ok, but the plants inside them, likely not...

ped crossing said...

We usually only get about an inch and it is often gone in less than a day. Every five years or so we get storms like this. The whole town shuts down. We have one sanding truck with a snow plow attachment.

Suzie Petunia said...

You really know how to enjoy this weather!

Thank you a hundred times over for your kindness! The kids love the tree. Waverly even tried to make one of her own today, using yours as a pattern.

-Ann said...

I'm so jealous. :)

When I was in about 4th grade, we had a very bad winter with a lot of snow. At one point, we had maybe a foot and a half on the ground, then we got an ice storm that shut school for a day.

The next day, when we went to school, the ice on top of the snow was strong enough to hold our weight, so we were 'ice skating' on people's lawns and on the fields at school. It was SO much fun.