Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Joys of Construction

Or should I say destruction, then construction. The project is well under way. Hence the lack of blog entries. I have been consumed by a new project.

The stairs have officially been turned. And I love, love, love it! I can safely travel up and down them again. I have only fallen down them once. No injuries and no witnesses. There was only one day that I could not use my upstairs. Unfortunately, I needed a towel and all of them were upstairs in the linen closet. So, I had to boost my sweetP up and coax him to go upstairs and get one so we could head to swim lessons. He is my cautious child and didn't enjoy the thought of being a mountain goat. In the end, he did it and seemed quite proud of himself.

So tonight, my work began. I needed to prime the new wall and the inside of the closet. (Side note, a skunk is outside and is highly fragrant. My quandary, close the windows so the paint fumes can't get out or leave them open and let the skunk stink in? I closed them, the skunk stink is definitely worse.) I am the kind of person that believes that if you are going to do something do it right and do your best. So, I paint the insides of closets the same way I paint walls that are viewed daily. I think in two days I will be able to say that the closet is done and move back into it. Yippee. Some garage space back. Then whenever I need encouragement I can gaze at my finished closet and get back to work.

Hi-ho, hi-ho it is off to bed I go.

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