Friday, February 12, 2010

A New Normal

It has been a crazy week. I have been noticing random things at every turn. But of course haven't written them down so none of them come to mind. Life is slowly settling into a new routine. My weeks fly by now in a way that they never did before.

I have rediscovered the me that I had lost. I like her. I am happy again. Not that life is perfect, nor do I expect it to be. Today, even after walking through the rain, having a migraine and surviving one of the more unpleasant parts of my job (a holiday party) I had an awesome day. And it seems like I feel that way about most days. I have always been an optimist, but now even more than ever. I am still balanced with a healthy dose of reality though, so don't think I have gone all Pollyanna on you.

Life is now filled with packing and unpacking. Hellos and good-byes. A never ending to-do list. Parallel lives.

I am looking forward to each new day. Not getting up in the morning, some things never change, mostly because I don't get to bed when I need to. Even when there are things I know I don't like, like riding school buses loaded with children or holiday parties (both of which I experienced this week), I still have a spring in my step and a smile on my face again. I am no longer the grump in the room. It is interesting how once things turn around, you then realize how bad they were.

So I had better get to bed and get ready for another great, but very busy, day.


Ranell said...

What?! I cannot believe that you didn't become a teacher JUST SO you could host holiday parties to +/- 28 rowdy kids! Wow, I'm surprised. I thought that was the main reason people choose your profession. ; )

And as for the school bus part ... isn't it weird that for years I wanted to be a school bus driver? I really thought that looked like fun. (That ended a few years ago, I promise.) But I'm thankful for those good souls who do take on that job.

Glad things are getting into a good routine! I haven't had much time to chat since I've missed book club for a few months, and I'm always late for Jr. K drop off, so I've only seen you in passing the last few weeks, but you LOOK happier and more relaxed, so it's affecting you on the outside, too.

JSLindgren said...

I think your gerber daisies attitude is a great strength. You do seem happy!