Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Little Shadow

My sweetE has been strongly bonded to me since day one. I would expect that as he gets older, that bond would weaken as he grows more independent. So far, that bond is made of super glue. If anything, it seems stronger than ever.

He grows especially fond of me when I have to work extra. Back to school and conference weeks are hard for him. He loves his "mommy time." We don't have to do anything special, just be together.

Last weekend, sweetP had a birthday party. Ducky and I thought that it would be nice if sweetE got to do something fun too. So Ducky planned to take him to see a movie while I dropped sweetP off at the party and then headed to my school to get some work done. Except sweetE wanted no part of that plan.

He wanted "to go with mommy!" No amount of convincing could change his mind. So he came with me. On the way to school I asked him why he wanted to come with me.

His response, "because, (pause) I love you." I just wanted to scoop him up and kiss him, freeze that moment and live it forever. I'll admit that I love that he is mommy's boy right down to his DNA. Who wouldn't like to be adored like that? I get to see his face light up when he sees me. I get to enjoy some of the best hugs around. I get to be the center of his universe. We may joke that he is Ducky's clone, but I win every time.

I'll take the sad face when I have to leave him at preschool, because it just shows how much I am loved by my littlest boy. If he could be my shadow, I know he would. How did I get so lucky?


-Ann said...

That's so sweet. I might cry. :)

laurie said...

you'll never forget these times. you don't have to freeze-frame them. they're in your heart.

what a sweetie.

Kim said...

There is nothing better than a little boy that loves his mommy. Really. I speak from experience. And it only gets better as they age.

Jadie said...

Alright, so I've left you three comments tonight--but that post was just beautiful! You need to print this out and save it.