Monday, August 18, 2008

Screeching into the School Year

One week from today I will be back at work. I got the dreaded letter two weeks ago. It outlines the many ways that I am going to be frustrated this year. I am spending my last week desperately trying to knock items off my to do list.

Today I visited my grandfathers cousin. My aunt had asked me to please help her get copies of some old family photos. Since I live an hour away and she lives thousands of miles away, I was happy to help out. She asked me over a year ago, so I thought I had better get it done. It took a major part of my day, but I am now the proud owner of 25 old photos saved as jpegs. She is a lovely woman who appreciated my boys and seemed to enjoy our visit. She even baked cookies for us! For over two hours she found pictures and told me who was in them. So as soon as I get those photos burned onto DVD and sent to my aunt, another project will be complete.

This last weekend I headed off to the coast for a girls weekend. I was able to escape the heat and the noise and interruptions and enjoy a pleasant weekend away. I only took one project with me, the favorites books. My goal, get them done before I came home. I almost made it, but I ran out of sticky tape stuff. So they are 80% complete and I hope to finish them one evening this week. As is usual for me, I managed to have a migraine the first night there. I had been fighting a headache for the previous two days and didn't realize when it morphed into a migraine until late that night. I turned into a pumpkin at midnight and only as I was laying in bed did I realize it had switched. Fortunately I never travel without the meds and I was all better by the morning. I missed 4 hours of fun girl chat, but saved the rest of the weekend. Thanks R for the super fun and relaxing weekend. I needed it more than I realized.

The last two big projects of the summer are finishing my room and organizing the garage. My room is nearly done, I just need a few more hours to get it done. The garage is started and I should be able to make some good progress in the next few days. Our goal is purge as much as we can. Some amusing things I have found while organizing: a t-shirt that I bought in 8th grade (about 22 years ago), a pair of spandex shorts that Ducky had when I met him 18 years ago (trashed never to be seen again), utility bills from 12 years ago (shredded and recycled), a pair of purple bridesmaid shoes without the matching dress (saved for the daughter I don't have) and a hose to a vacuum we got rid of quite a while ago. Who knows what other treasures I will unearth.

So I hope as I head to bed on Sunday night I will be able to feel as if my summer was well spent. Because I feel like I need a few more weeks.


Kim said...

The summer always seems to go so quickly. My kids go back to school tomorrow. Yesterday was a whirlwind of shopping for new shoes, new backpacks, schools supplies and new clothes. Today we have a couple of appointments scheduled; otherwise, we're going to take it easy.

Enjoy your last few days of summer!

Potty Mummy said...

Don't we always need more time? You're very good to have got that far - I'm scared to look at my to-do list...

Jane said...

I'm still slogging through my to-do list too. I know that if I don't get those things done now, then that'll be it for a year. I'm trying to gain order out of chaos before the real chos begins!

Jane said...

Sorry, I meant chaos.